Ilaminek tuvqayugturquni atam, wall'u nerevkariurluni allanernek, ca qunukevkenaku yugnun ikayuuteku'urquniu, imutun neqa cakaniyuilngurtun ayuqeciquq. Tuamtell' iliini iciw' tua-i egan una ikgelngermi, yuut-llu amllerrluteng, una-ll' nangesciiganani.
If a person is generous with others, always inviting visitors, if a person isn't stingy and is ready to help others with food, her food supply would never seem like it was used up. And sometimes even though cooked food in a pot wasn't a lot and many people were there to eat it, there would still be some left.
--Martina John, Toksook Bay |