Yuungnaqpiallerput - The Way We Genuinely Live - Masterworks of Yup'ik Science and Survival

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Calista Elders Council
570 3rd Ave # 219
Bethel, AK 99559
(907) 543-1541

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Tools for gathering

Tassiitaq Issran-llu Backpack Yoke


Backpack Yoke

Backpack yoke and basket Annie Blue observed: "This is a yoke that one would place in front of the chest and use to carry a woven bag on the back. These help to keep one from hurting her chest when carrying heavy objects."


I. C. Russell, 1902, Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution 217807

Breast Yoke


Annie Blue holding a yoke to her chest at the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, 1997.

Ciklaq Root Pick


Root Pick

Ciklaq/Root pick Catherine Moore said: "We used these on frozen ground in spring and fall. People still use them on the Yukon to dig for delicious roots and tubers."


J. A. Jacobsen, 1882, Ethnologisches Museum Berlin IVA4183

  Qaltaq Bentwood Berry Bucket

Qaltaq/Bentwood berry bucket painted with uiteraq (red ocher), a valued pigment with its own awareness. Annie Blue noted that if someone came in while a person was using red ocher, the painter must cover his work, as uiteraq was shy and would not want to be observed.

1890s, Sheldon Jackson Museum IIS97

Here is my gift

Ayatullruunga kiagmi. Qaltacuarangqerraqlua kayanguyagarcuutekamnek. Umyuartequurlua-ll', "Tua-i-qaa waniwa kayangurrarmek unangengaitua."
Tua-i taugken ernerpak piiyualua. Uqsuqaq aipaagni pekvallagaqan ullagluku tekitaqamku quyalua, "Tua-i-ll' kayangullua! Tangrriu! Cikiuteka waniwa."

During summer, I used to travel out to the wilderness. I had a small bucket with me to hold small eggs. This is what was constantly on my mind, "I wonder if I'll obtain just one egg."

I'd walk all day long. Sometimes if a pintail suddenly flew off, I'd approach it and when I came upon it, I'd be grateful, "I've found some eggs! Look! Here is my gift."

--Marie Erik, Chefornak






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